Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hello. I currently reside in Pittsburgh, however, I am currently at my parents house. I visited my mom because I didn't get to see her on Mother's Day. Because I worked, you know. I work at a coffeehouse/"world lounge".

I love being home.

I wonder if I will ever get over that. I don't think I will. I love being home.

Pittsburgh does not feel like my home. Yet. I'll throw that yet in there because I am trying. I feel as if my time spent there is in this strange half-life, half-care. This is no one's fault except for my own, although I have a sneaking suspision that city life is not for me.

Too many distractions. For me. All distractions to me.

That being said, I've done nothing in the city. Haha! Maybe I will change my mind.

I like slow living, though. I know this. I know this for a fact. I don't think laziness is that bad. I like to savor, that's all. Have you seen me eat? Takes ages. I think it's more satisfying that way.

I prayed last night to everything. I asked to love. The wind blew and blew and blew.

1 comment:

  1. that's great that you still feel at home at your parents house. i miss my old room soo much. my parents moved across town shortly after i moved to biloxi. it was weird not getting to say bye to my room. johnstown still feels like home though.
