Saturday, January 24, 2009

TIME Magazine Pictures of the Week

Russel Boyce. Sudoko competion
Sandy Huffaker. Dude escaping wildfires on a segway. (!)
Johannes Eisele. Santas in Germany.
Jerome Delay. In the congo. You wouldn't believe all the warfare dudes that wear fucked up masks. Check out some dudes in Kashmir. Shit's fucked, man.

Fin Barr. This baby died of cholera during the recent cholera outbreak in Congo, I believe. I believe it was Congo.

Man, you know? Shit.

Friday, January 23, 2009

RED Runner-ups


Check out Laci Hess's pictures, man. Blow me away!
I'm freaking out, guys.

It's as if the past five years have been waiting for this winter.

I have many projects in mind, some started, some not. Here are the ones on my mind today:

  1. Grounded - nearly finished
  2. North America - started. This project may morph into #4.
  3. Monologues and One Acts exercise - merely an idea at the moment. Be prepared for me to ask you to participate, writers and actors!
  4. Short story of a bear encounter - might just be a part of #2.
I was thinking earlier how much fun I'm having, and it came to me that I could always be this way. Past and present. However, there are no regrets.

John Muir and a bear

I had the best time ever drawing these.
I did not, however, have a good time drawing a swimming pool. I also do not have a good time calling Zink Hall everyday asking about water aerobics. No one ever calls me back and I always swear at the answering machine.
They finally gave me the directors email address, so I emailed my questions. Guess what? Got a message back: Delivery Failed.
Anyways, that picture of the pool sucks and you can tell I was pissed as all hell!

Today, I made my favorite drawings!


Also, wrote the beginning of a Janet song.


Ate a bunch of gross strawberries that probably traveled farther than I have in years.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daylight, Nightlight

How 'bout that hellish orange I sleep in every night?!
Also, the wind hits my building in a manner that makes every night sound like a windstorm.

Light Therapy

This light is apparently supposed to help seasonal depression.l

I'm not a huge fan.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, I know nothing of fashion, really. However, I feel as if this purse my aunt got me for Christmas might be on the cutting edge! Actually, that's a joke, but I can't handle how beautiful it is. To me. My aunts and I found it at a craft store in Sigel, PA, which coincidently is the most beautiful place in the world. To me.

It made sense for me to seperate them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In a few hours...

This young man is going to be sworn in as our president.

Click "young man". It will take you to a series of pictures that a young woman named Lisa Jack took in her years at Occidental College in Los Angeles.

The pictures drive me wild. Look at that leather jacket and the hair!

This is my golden year

I have a lot to tell you. I am not sure if I can type fast enough.

This blog was never meant for me to talk too much. That was not my intention in the slightest.

But I never explained myself, so that's what I'm doing tonight.

So, yes, Welcome to my golden year.

I am feeling wild. I suppose this is a type of mania, which is fine by me because thus far I'd say it's working out in my favor. This is my golden year. Friends, Big in '09. I took that to heart. Big things, big thoughts, big movements. Make it gold. That's what I'm doing.

I just finished a shower, which was a lucky shower. For one thing, I have fine smelling products, and fine smelling things are important to me. I was terribly upset, that I had no conditioner for my hair gets very dry, but then I remembered I had hidden conditioner in my closet. That's the second thing.

Before that very nice shower, I sprayed fresh white linen perfum all over my house and lit a few candles, "Island Spa" candles, so the place smells like laundry hanging out to dry on a tropical island. Sprayed my bed with linen water, fresh roses was the smell. And now I am fresh and clean and I just put on Zen aromotherapy body butter. As I mentioned earlier, fine smelling things are very important to me.

I'm drinking milk, a habit I have just gotten back into, and thinking about how nice it is that I'm trying to quit smoking once again, only this is the first time it's because of the money. I am listening to Dark Dark Dark and I'm thinking of a few projects I'd like to see realized. I am going to list them because it draws more attention, and I feel that they would get lost in all this pyschobabble of mine tonight.

Project List
  1. I would like to paint this sunset:
    Outside, it was one of those sunsets that nobody looks at, a red and orange and purple massacre, spilling it's guts out above the city. I don't understand why nobody notices. Those sunsets, they bleed all over-Innocence, Jane Mendelsohn
  2. I would like to draw myself as Bob Cratchit, at his (my) desk working away furiously. Short pants, scarf, top hat and everything. Very cartoonish. Very frantic.

Well, guys. Those are my two projects for now. Ask me about them if you don't hear anything about them.

I've talked enough. I'm manic. Know that. I have finally gotten to the crazy I thought I could get to while living alone and it's fantastic!

Monday, January 19, 2009


This is a picture of my some of my sisters and me. Kelly, Allison, and Heather. Kelly Lanzendorfer took this picture and the picture above it, and you can find her shit all over the internet. Kelly and Kelly 2 over on them there links.

Questions in a world of blue

There's an aqua setting on my cell phone!

So I've been alone in this apartment for quite sometime. I really wish I had my real camera here, but it is at my parent's house and it has been so so so snowy. Today was spent trying to relax. I took a VERY hot bath, turned off all the lights and lit some candles. However, the bath mix I made awhile ago wasn't so relaxing. I should probably make a new one. During daylight, I didn't use any artificial light in my apartment. I wore a robe all day. Except for that last picture, I suppose.