Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Alright, so I'm going to let you in on my mind's concerns as of right now.

First things first, I understand that these pictures are essentially the same picture. Everything in my mind is screaming "DO NOT POST THESE ALL TOGETHER" because I am very careful about presentation. Yes, I understand that this is just a blog, but arrangement, numbers, orders -- very important to me. I very much like these pictures -- the color, the lack of focus due to shaking from the cold, the snowflakes -- I love them. I'm into them. Apparently, I'm not into humility but I'm digressing... (I always want to use the word digress but I'm not sure how to. Did I do it right?)

Anyway, I feel that posting these pictures all together... devalues them. It's overkill. Their individual uniqueness is... poof, gone! And usually, I know when not to do this, and I know I shouldn't have done it but... I like them too much. I like all of them for their own reasons. I feel like a mother -- how could I possibly choose one child? Soo... I posted all of them, knowing it's not the way I'd like to present them.

Does anyone else feel this way? Am I coming off as pretentious? I'm not trying to -- I'm just new to this.


  1. i love these. you're killin me, smalls.

  2. but but -- do you know what i mean?! do you? what do you do when that happens? does that happen to you?! i have so many questions! i'm not good at this! i'm just a baby!
